- 493 Calories32.9 g Protein64.9 g Carbs2.7 g Fat
Pineapple Jerk Salmon Bite Bowl w/ jerk salmon bites, jasmine rice, cilantro, carrots & purple cabbage grilled pineapple, side of sriracha mayo
Pineapple Jerk Salmon Bite Bowl w/ jerk salmon bites, jasmine rice, cilantro, carrots & purple cabbage, grilled pineapple, side of sriracha mayo493 Calories32.9 g Protein64.9 g Carbs2.7 g Fat - 432 Calories43.4 g Protein15.3 g Carbs23.3 g Fat
Risotto w/cauliflower rice, shrimp, mushrooms & spinach
cauliflower rice risotto in a garlic cream sauce with shrimp432 Calories43.4 g Protein15.3 g Carbs23.3 g Fat - 336 Calories5.6 g Protein39 g Carbs3.3 g Fat
Roasted Veggie Bowl w/ sweet potatoes
roasted garlic, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, red onion and sweet potatoes336 Calories5.6 g Protein39 g Carbs3.3 g Fat - 423 Calories43 g Protein12 g Fat4 g Carbs
SALAD-Chicken Caesar Salad
423 Calories43 g Protein12 g Fat4 g Carbs - 422 Calories29 g Protein7 g Carbs6.6 g Fat
SALAD-Strawberry Salad w/ goat cheese, pecans, cranberries, cucumber, almonds & RANCH (vegetarian)
422 Calories29 g Protein7 g Carbs6.6 g Fat - 456 Calories36 g Protein66 g Carbs5.2 g Fat
Salmon Bite Hibachi w/ zucchini, green onion, fried rice, sesame seeds, side of sriracha sauce
456 Calories36 g Protein66 g Carbs5.2 g Fat - 439 Calories39.3 g Protein56.9 g Carbs6.3 g Fat
Salmon Honey Glazed w/ honey roasted brussels & red potatoes
grilled salmon w/ a honey glaze served w/ roasted Brussels & Garlic red potatoes439 Calories39.3 g Protein56.9 g Carbs6.3 g Fat - 468 Calories22.6 g Protein9.3 g Carbs13.3 g Fat
Salmon Risotto w/ spinach, mushrooms & riced cauliflower, red onion
Salmon Risotto w/ spinach, mushrooms & riced cauliflower, red onion468 Calories22.6 g Protein9.3 g Carbs13.3 g Fat - 409 Calories27.9 g Protein5.8 g Carbs7.6 g Fat
Salmon w/ KETO CAULIFLOWER MAC n cheese, green beans
Grilled garlic Salmon w/ KETO CAULIFLOWER MAC n cheese, green beans409 Calories27.9 g Protein5.8 g Carbs7.6 g Fat - 425 Calories43.1 g Protein9.7 g Carbs2.3 g Fat
Salmon w/ pico de gallo, cauliflower rice & spinach
Low -carb425 Calories43.1 g Protein9.7 g Carbs2.3 g Fat - 443 Calories32.2 g Protein60 g Carbs5.8 g Fat
Shredded Chicken w/ sweet potatoes and broccoli
443 Calories32.2 g Protein60 g Carbs5.8 g Fat - 432 Calories56 g Carbs34 g Protein8.2 g Fat
Shrimp Alfredo w/ spinach over linguine noodles, broccoli and alfredo sauce
432 Calories56 g Carbs34 g Protein8.2 g Fat - 487 Calories42.9 g Protein67.3 g Carbs6.4 g Fat
Shrimp Fried Rice w/ fried egg, jasmine rice, peppers, onion, broccoli & green onion, sesame seeds, side of THAI CHILI
487 Calories42.9 g Protein67.3 g Carbs6.4 g Fat - 402 Calories20.1 g Protein53.8 g Carbs6.5 g Fat
Shrimp Hibachi w/ noodles, veggie medley, green onion, lemon sriracha sauce, sesame seeds
402 Calories20.1 g Protein53.8 g Carbs6.5 g Fat