- 272 Calories54 g Protein34.7 g Carbs17.6 g Fat
Creamy Chicken Alfredo w/ sauteed spinach and linguine noodles
Grilled cajun chicken on top of creamy alfredo noodles272 Calories54 g Protein34.7 g Carbs17.6 g Fat - 401 Calories22 g Protein7.1 g Carbs3.7 g Fat
FRIED CAULIFLOWER RICE -SALMON BITES w/ a sriracha lemon sauce, green onion, sesame seeds
seared garlic blackened salmon bites over cauliflower veggie fried rice. Topped with a sriracha lemon mayo sauce (non spicy)401 Calories22 g Protein7.1 g Carbs3.7 g Fat - 294 Calories32.9 g Protein33.8 g Carbs26.1 g Fat
Garlic Butter Chicken Linguine w/ spinach and linguine noodles
294 Calories32.9 g Protein33.8 g Carbs26.1 g Fat - 475 Calories45.9 g Protein48.7 g Carbs12.7 g Fat
Grilled Jerk chicken legs w/ baked mac & green beans
Grilled Jerk wings w/ broccoli & roasted red potatoes475 Calories45.9 g Protein48.7 g Carbs12.7 g Fat - 398 Calories32 g Protein67 g Carbs1.4 g Fat
Ground Turkey w/ pico de gallo, jasmine rice & broccoli
seasoned ground turkey w/ jasmine rice, pico de gallo & jasmine rice398 Calories32 g Protein67 g Carbs1.4 g Fat - 413 Calories32.2 g Protein68 g Carbs2.5 g Fat
Ground Turkey w/ sweet potatoes & broccoli
seasoned turkey over roasted sweet potatoes & broccoli413 Calories32.2 g Protein68 g Carbs2.5 g Fat - 378 Calories14 g Protein43 g Carbs3.4 g Fat
Heart of Palm “Fish” Fried Tacos w/ purple cabbage, carrort, cilantro creme, pico de gallo
378 Calories14 g Protein43 g Carbs3.4 g Fat - 375 Calories34.4 g Protein41 g Carbs3.3 g Fat
Jerk Chicken Breast w/ a baked sweet potato & green beans
Grilled Jerk Chicken Breast w/ a whole baked sweet potato & green beans375 Calories34.4 g Protein41 g Carbs3.3 g Fat - 374 Calories18.4 g Protein32 g Carbs4.5 g Fat
JERK CHICKEN Wrap w/raw spinach,cabbage, cilantro creme , peppers, SIDE of CHERRY TOMATOES
374 Calories18.4 g Protein32 g Carbs4.5 g Fat - 412 Calories38 g Protein47 g Carbs4.7 g Fat
JERK SALMON over red potatoes & green beans
412 Calories38 g Protein47 g Carbs4.7 g Fat - 325 Calories22.1 g Protein22.5 g Carbs0.7 g Fat
JERK SALMON w/ zucchini & brussels
Grilled salmon served w/ veggie medley & broccoli325 Calories22.1 g Protein22.5 g Carbs0.7 g Fat - 406 Calories53.3 g Protein49.8 g Carbs12.5 g Fat
JERK SALMON w/baked Mac & Brussels
406 Calories53.3 g Protein49.8 g Carbs12.5 g Fat - 320 Calories45.7 g Protein35.5 g Carbs1.9 g Fat
Lemon Herb Salmon w/ roasted red potatoes & grilled sweet peppers
Grilled Lemon Herb Salmon w/ a baked sweet potato, veggie medley320 Calories45.7 g Protein35.5 g Carbs1.9 g Fat - 224 Calories0.3 g Protein26.6 g Carbs5.2 g Fat
Pancakes topped with granola, choice of fruit and SIDE OF agave
oat flour pancakes with a blueberry granola topping224 Calories0.3 g Protein26.6 g Carbs5.2 g Fat - 395 Calories7 g Protein42 g Carbs3 g Fat
Peach Blueberry Oatmeal w/ granola, brown sugar, cinnamon & agave
395 Calories7 g Protein42 g Carbs3 g Fat