- 452 Calories21.5 g Protein6.3 g Carbs6.8 g Fat
Alfredo Salmon Bites w/ broccoli
Alfredo Salmon Bites w/ broccoli452 Calories21.5 g Protein6.3 g Carbs6.8 g Fat - 402 Calories45 g Protein42 g Carbs4.6 g Fat
CAULIFLOWER RICE BURRITO BOWL-SHRIMP / black beans, corn, pico de gallo, cilantro cream sauce,topped w/ cilantro, lime wedge
402 Calories45 g Protein42 g Carbs4.6 g Fat - 458 Calories42.7 g Protein7.8 g Carbs4.4 g Fat
FRIED CAULIFLOWER RICE – CHICKEN w/ diced peppers, egg and green onion, sesame seeds
458 Calories42.7 g Protein7.8 g Carbs4.4 g Fat - 401 Calories22 g Protein7.1 g Carbs3.7 g Fat
FRIED CAULIFLOWER RICE -SALMON BITES w/ a sriracha lemon sauce, green onion, sesame seeds
seared garlic blackened salmon bites over cauliflower veggie fried rice. Topped with a sriracha lemon mayo sauce (non spicy)401 Calories22 g Protein7.1 g Carbs3.7 g Fat - 458 Calories42.7 g Protein7.8 g Carbs4.4 g Fat
FRIED CAULIFLOWER RICE-SHRIMP w/ diced peppers, egg and green onion,sesame seeds
458 Calories42.7 g Protein7.8 g Carbs4.4 g Fat - 412 Calories38 g Protein47 g Carbs4.7 g Fat
JERK SALMON over red potatoes & green beans
412 Calories38 g Protein47 g Carbs4.7 g Fat - 325 Calories22.1 g Protein22.5 g Carbs0.7 g Fat
JERK SALMON w/ zucchini & brussels
Grilled salmon served w/ veggie medley & broccoli325 Calories22.1 g Protein22.5 g Carbs0.7 g Fat - 406 Calories53.3 g Protein49.8 g Carbs12.5 g Fat
JERK SALMON w/baked Mac & Brussels
406 Calories53.3 g Protein49.8 g Carbs12.5 g Fat - 456 Calories43 g Protein57 g Carbs6 g Fat
Jerk Shrimp tossed with agave over sweet potato mash & spinach
456 Calories43 g Protein57 g Carbs6 g Fat - 456 Calories43 g Protein3.5 g Carbs6 g Fat
Jerk Shrimp w/ BAKED CAULIFLOWER MAC & Brussels
456 Calories43 g Protein3.5 g Carbs6 g Fat - 432 Calories42 g Protein3.8 g Carbs4.9 g Fat
Lemon Chicken scampi over spaghetti squash w/ garlic butter, cherry tomatoes, veg seasoning and spinach
432 Calories42 g Protein3.8 g Carbs4.9 g Fat - 320 Calories45.7 g Protein35.5 g Carbs1.9 g Fat
Lemon Herb Salmon w/ roasted red potatoes & grilled sweet peppers
Grilled Lemon Herb Salmon w/ a baked sweet potato, veggie medley320 Calories45.7 g Protein35.5 g Carbs1.9 g Fat - 403 Calories45 g Protein3.8 g Carbs4.9 g Fat
Lemon Salmon scampi over spaghetti squash w/ garlic butter, cherry tomatoes, veg seasoning and spinach
403 Calories45 g Protein3.8 g Carbs4.9 g Fat - 224 Calories0.3 g Protein26.6 g Carbs5.2 g Fat
Pancakes topped with granola, choice of fruit and SIDE OF agave
oat flour pancakes with a blueberry granola topping224 Calories0.3 g Protein26.6 g Carbs5.2 g Fat - 493 Calories32.9 g Protein64.9 g Carbs2.7 g Fat
Pineapple Jerk Salmon Bite Bowl w/ jerk salmon bites, jasmine rice, cilantro, carrots & purple cabbage grilled pineapple, side of sriracha mayo
Pineapple Jerk Salmon Bite Bowl w/ jerk salmon bites, jasmine rice, cilantro, carrots & purple cabbage, grilled pineapple, side of sriracha mayo493 Calories32.9 g Protein64.9 g Carbs2.7 g Fat - 432 Calories43.4 g Protein15.3 g Carbs23.3 g Fat
Risotto w/cauliflower rice, shrimp, mushrooms & spinach
cauliflower rice risotto in a garlic cream sauce with shrimp432 Calories43.4 g Protein15.3 g Carbs23.3 g Fat